
By Allyson Waller Nov. 15, 2020, 3:34 p.m. ET In the 20-some years that people have been living aboard the International Space Station, its extended crew has never included a Black astronaut. Victor J. Glover, a Navy commander and test pilot who joined the astronaut corps in 2013, will be the first. Since the International Space Station’s inception…

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In a sense, the election was a referendum on Trump’s norm-breaking. Now, as Trump shatters yet another norm by refusing to accept the result of the vote count, the office’s structural weakness, one that allows chief executives to act in ways the framers of the Constitution never imagined, has been exposed. There are calls from…

Read More The Abnormal Presidency

Frozen and canned foods are often high in sodium. Read every label. Try to eat fresh, unprocessed foods. Look out for things like pizza and prepared sandwiches. Deli meats and cheeses can be very high in sodium. Check out that ketchup and soy sauce in your pantry.

Read More Watch Out for Salt

Ann Teleans is a brilliant caricaturist with a style all her own. Last week she took us on a downward escalator ride through the highlights — or lowlights — of the Trump years. It only takes a minute or so, but given the detail (Can you spot the bone saw? Do you recognize the senator obsequiously fanning…

Read More Fun Trip down the Escalator

Personally, I like browned butter in place of plain butter or oil. I also prefer cream cheese or mascarpone cheese instead of sour cream, because the tang of sour cream does nothing for me in sweets. Here is my basic brownie recipe, not for a novice baker: 1 cup browned unsalted butter 1/4 cup softened cream cheese…

Read More My Brownies

“Black Friday” sales are here, and Thanksgiving isn’t for another 2 weeks. Christmas trees have been in some stores since late September. Most email is encouraging you to buy things that you probably don’t need. I got 72 emails from midnight (it’s 7:15 am), and half of them are selling something. The Times’ pop music…

Read More Have You Noticed?

Paul Robeson, Political Outlaw: Lessons for Today from the Black Radical Tradition The class will feature Howard University professor Greg Carr and Rethinking Schools editor and high school teacher Jesse Hagopian.Take two minutes to watch a short video of Dr. Carr talking about Paul Robeson in this tweet — and then you’ll know why this session is…

Read More Special Event