How do we stop sexual harassment?

Anti-Harassment Equality and Access Panel
State Senator Melinda Bush, State Representative Carol Ammons, Illinois Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza ANTI-HARASSMENT, EQUALITY, AND ACCESS PANEL

“As a response to the #MeToo era, and in particular, the allegations of sexual harassment and assault in the political arena, a non-partisan panel of female lawmakers hopes to rewrite the rules of the workplace. In February of 2018, State Senator Melinda Bush, State Representative Carol Ammons, and State Comptroller Susana A. Mendoza formed the Anti-Harassment, Equality, and Access (AHEA) Panel.

The group spent the past half-year collecting surveys, consulting with experts, and touring the state of Illinois to hold listening sessions with hundreds of women working in politics. These efforts formed the basis for its first report released today. The 36-page document, which aims to serve as a roadmap for all political campaigns, provides specific anti-harassment training procedures, workplace culture expectations, and detailed recommendations for promoting women into leadership positions,” writes Erin Spencer Sairam in

100 Things You Can Do to Prevent Sexual Assault

Respect a person’s right to say no · educate yourself on the issues · volunteer at your local rape crisis program · believe survivors · contact your local legislators and political leaders · know the statistics · trust your gut feeling · speak out against all forms of violence · respect and embrace diversity · avoid blaming the victim · believe in equality · be aware of how violence is portrayed in the media · speak out against the media’s portrayal of violence · advocate for more rape prevention education programs · admit that it does happen in your community · understand that sexual violence affects us all · participate in local take back the night events · listen · stop others from slipping a date rape drug in someone’s drink · know that sexual violence is about power and control · teach kids how to stay safe · advocate for victim’s rights · know the laws · believe that a safer world is possible · attend events sponsored by local rape crisis centers · be alert and aware · avoid engaging in, supporting or encouraging sexual harrassment · participate in sexual assault awareness month activities · teach kids that violence is not the answer · put a sexual violence prevention sticker on your car · sponsor a fund raiser for your local sexual assault program · know that most sex offenders aren’t strangers · respect your partner or significant other · avoid making threats or using coercion and pressure to get sex · be courageous · wear a sexual assault prevention t-shirt · visit the website · support RAINN sponsored concerts and events · avoid making assumptions · be nonjudgmental · speak out against racist, sexist or homophobic jokes · be strong · start an email campaign · know the resources available in your community · advocate for more youth violence prevention programs · know that it can happen to anyone · write a letter to the editor of your newspaper · write an article for your school paper or workplace newsletter · be safe and aware when on the internet · get others to speak out against sexual violence · tell your parents what you know about sexual assault · create a sexual assault bulletin board · stop your sexual advances if the other person says no · encourage others to do the same · avoid buying music that glorifies sexual violence · urge your local radio stations to stop playing music that contains violent lyrics · applaud others who speak out against sexual violence · invite a speaker from your local rape crisis center · pledge to never commit or condone acts of sexual violence · stop yourself from taking advantage of someone who is passed out or incoherent · call for help if you witness an act of violence · get help · respect the choices victims and survivors make to survive · stop others from taking advantage of someone who is intoxicated · respect different lifestyles · know that men can be raped · empathize · know that sexual violence can be a form of domestic violence · work towards eliminating oppression of all kinds · think globally and act locally · open your mind · open your eyes · open your heart · engage others in discussions about sexual violence · challenge assumptions · break the silence · know the rights of victims · empower · advocate · be open to change · reach out · educate · have compassion · know that you have the power to make a difference · find your voice · learn about sexual harassment · learn about healthy boundaries · notice when someone invades your boundaries · get help if you are being sexually harassed · report it if you witness sexual harassment in your school or workplace · support a friend · protect yourself · talk about it · learn about date rape drugs · get the facts, tell others · stay alert and aware · know your school’s or workplace’s policies on sexual violence and harassment · reinforce that rape is never the victim’s fault

100 Things You Can Do to Prevent Sexual Assault from the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

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