- “The Black Count,” by Tom Reiss: The true story of General Alex Dumas, the son of a Black slave who inspired “The Count of Monte Cristo” and other swashbuckling tales written by his son, Alexander Dumas.
- “Slave Nation,” by Alfred W. Blumrosen and Ruth G. Blumrosen: On the role of slavery in the drafting of the United States Constitution, and especially the concessions made to the South to keep them part of the new nation.
- “The Autobiography of Malcolm X,” by Malcolm X and Alex Haley: The classic about the radicalization of Malcolm Little and how he turned himself into one of the most powerful thinkers on Black identity in the 20th century.
- “Slave Day,” by Rob Thomas: From the creator of “Veronica Mars,” this Texas high school drama has a disturbing plot involving teens auctioning off one another. “Clueless” this is not.
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