
Cleaning products ordered online were never delivered to consumers by Katherine Skiba, AARP, November 6, 2020  Twenty-five websites that allegedly tricked people into paying thousands of dollars for Clorox and Lysol products that were not delivered have been temporarily shut down. Some people instead were shipped a pair of socks and had difficulties when seeking refunds,…

Read More FTC Goes After 25 ‘Counterfeit’ Websites Claiming to Sell Lysol, Clorox

By Megan Brooks The study revealed evidence of “neural polarization” ― activity in the brain that differs between people who hold liberal vs conservative political views, the researchers report. Neural polarization intensified when videos included risk-related and moral-emotional language, highlighting content most likely to drive interpretations between conservatives and liberals, they note. For a given…

Read More Imaging Shows the Brain Drives Political Divides

The change is the result of a 2019 Change.org petition to update the definition, because it was pretty sexist. The petition was started by London-based communications strategist Maria Beatrice Giovanardi, and received over 30,000 signatures. According to the petition, the Oxford Dictionary contained words that were “sexist” and “show women as sex objects, subordinate, and/or an irritation to…

Read More The Oxford Dictionary just updated its definition of ‘woman’ to make it less sexist(how long did it take?)

Shrimp are low in calories and high in protein. In 3 ounces of raw shrimp you’ll find 12 grams of protein and only 60 calories. Shrimp also offer you a ton of important vitamins and minerals. In 4 ounces of shrimp, you’ll get 100% of the selenium and 50% of the phosphorus that you need…

Read More All About Shrimp

I buy commemorative stamps for everyday use as well as collecting them. Often my local post office doesn’t have the ones I’m looking for, so I go to store.usps.com and order them. Right now they have some really great stamps:

Read More Commemorative Stamps

I have a 3-quart InstantPot. I took a 1 lb. package of beef stew meat, which is just cut up chuck roast. I peeled and cut into quarters 1 large yellow sweet onion. I put the onion in the bottom of the instant pot container. I added a lot of garlic. I poured in enough…

Read More My Instant Pot Beef Dish for 2

Jill U. Adams November 7, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. EST Frozen shoulder is painful, aggravating and inscrutable. Sometimes it occurs after a shoulder injury, but more often, “It just happens,” says Todd Schmidt, an orthopedic surgeon in Atlanta. An inflammatory process causes the ligaments that hold the shoulder together to contract and tighten up. “It’s like…

Read More My bout with frozen shoulder, a painful, aggravating and inscrutable physical ailment

By Jonathan Abrams Nov. 1, 2020 The Atlantic Beach King Mackerel Fishing Tournament had stretched for three weeks. But this, the final day of the tournament, marked the first time that the Ebony Anglers could sync their schedules and sink their lines together. As the women walked from the dock to weigh in, a few bystanders cast curious glances…

Read More Meet the Ebony Anglers, Five Black Women Catching Fish and Stares

National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo, is a month-long creative writing challenge that takes place every November. During the month participants from all over the world are challenged to write a 50,000 word first draft of a novel. There is no charge to take part in the challenge, although it is all run…

Read More National Novel Writing Month

How can you show your support for treating black folks equally without marching or demonstrating? According to The Strategist, “You can donate money to a local, grassroots organization. You can join a protest, if you feel you can do so safely. You can educate yourself and, if you are white, talk to other white people about racial justice. But one of…

Read More Black Lives Matter? Really? To You?