What is crypto?
People are talking about cryptocurrency but few know what it really is. Here is an easy-to-understand explanation.
Read More What is crypto?People are talking about cryptocurrency but few know what it really is. Here is an easy-to-understand explanation.
Read More What is crypto?You may be surprised by the number of things you can get for free by John Waggoner, AARP, Updated July 13, 2022 Free entry to national parks The National Park Service (NPS) manages 423 parks, from Acadia in Maine to Zion in Utah. Of those parks, more than 100 charge entrance fees. The rest are free. However,…
Read More 14 Great Freebies That Don’t Cost a Dime (Really!)A study published this month in the journal Health Affairs found that 14% of people who use insulin in the United States face what is described as a “catastrophic” level of spending on the medication, meaning that after paying for other essentials, such as food and housing, they spend at least 40% of their remaining income on…
Read More Why is insulin still so expensive for diabetes patients in the U.S.?BY ALANA SEMUELS JUNE 7, 2022 6:00 AM EDT Sometimes when I am grocery shopping, even if I am there just for broccoli, I’ll swing by the aisle where they stock feminine products. Because, even though most of the things that disappeared during the pandemic like toilet paper, yeast, and flour have returned to the shelves,…
Read More The Great Tampon Shortage of 2022: The Supply Chain Problem No One’s Talking AboutStores that offer a Senior Discount Albertsons (some states) Discount Drug Mart Fry’s Food (Arizona) Harris Teeter Lowe’s Grocery Piggly Wiggly Safeway, Albertsons & Vons (Southwest) ShopRite Stores That Don’t Offer Senior Discounts Kroger Stop & Shop Aldi’s Food Lion Whole Foods Walmart Costco BJ’s Target Trader Joe’s South Carolina Senior Citizen Discounts at Restaurants,…
Read More Grocery Stores That Give Seniors a Discount – Or NotExpert conversations to catch up on from The Brookings Brief Inflation hits a 40-year high. New Consumer Price Index data show that inflation rose to a whopping 8.6% in May. On Twitter Spaces, David Wessel, Justin Wolfers, Jason Furman, and Wendy Edelberg discuss the latest numbers and what might come next. Prefer to read? This summary outlines five key points from the speakers. …
Read More Bits and PiecesBy Emily Flitter May 19, 2022 Joe Bruno, a former executive in the wealth management division of Wells Fargo, had long been troubled by the way his unit handled certain job interviews. Mr. Bruno is one of seven current and former Wells Fargo employees who said that they were instructed by their direct bosses or human resources…
Read More At Wells Fargo, a Quest to Increase Diversity Leads to Fake Job InterviewsMake Money with Greeting Cards You don’t have to be employed by Hallmark to make money with greeting cards. Indeed, if you have a clever wit and the ability to pull together attractive or funny illustrations, you may be able to tap into the $7 billion in sales U.S. greeting card market without ever investing in paper or…
Read More Make a Little Bit On the SideBooks Bicycles Musical instruments Pets (get a shelter dog or cat) Vintage clothing Lawnmowers and yard care equipment Furniture China and crystal Jewelry Baby clothes Cars (low mileage leased vehicles) Exercise equipment Refurbished electronics Tools (hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers) Sports gear (tennis rackets, etc.)
Read More 15 Used Things That Can Be a Good BargainBy Lynnette Khalfani-Cox March 25, 2022 Credit cards can be handy financial tools that build your credit score and tide you over in emergencies. But as life changes, so do your credit needs. But what happens to your old cards, the ones you pay off and toss in your junk drawer? Those inactive cards could actually ding…
Read More If You Have This in Your Wallet, It Could Be Hurting Your Credit Score