Author: Kintsugi

By Gianluca Russo Dec. 15, 2020 The art of finding the perfect fit clearly is costly, from collecting data to the process of hiring fit models. As Chan explains, there is so much that goes into high-quality clothing that is often not discussed, from materials to labor to craftsmanship. While every plus-size body is different and…

Read More Plus-Size Clothing Should Fit Women’s Bodies, So Why Is That So Often Not The Case?

Global Entry Application and Interview: How Not to Screw It Up By now, you’ve learned all the differences between Global Entry and TSA PreCheck, and are ready to bite the bullet and commit to one. Since Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck—and is only $15 more than PreCheck—you decide to go with it. Smart move. But now you’ve actually…

Read More Thinking About Post-Covid Travel?

We see over and over that we make resolutions at the start of the new year. Resolutions that are rarely kept, but sound good when we are struggling with them. I have goals. Here are mine for 2021. Remain financially stable and increase my savings. Read about financial goals HERE. Spend more time with family and…

Read More What are Your Goals for 2021?

At the end of the year, people spend a lot of time writing lists of “the best of” so I am thinking about my “best of” list. Cooking has kept me sane when I wanted to be crazy, well, not wanted but certainly felt crazy. Here is a list of some of our favorite cookbooks…

Read More 20 Cookbooks for 2020

BY KRISTIN ROMEY PHOTOGRAPHS BY SIMON NORFOLK (This is why I subscribe to Nat Geo! This story appears in the December 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine.) Scholars who study Jesus divide into two opposing camps separated by a very bright line: those who believe the wonder-working Jesus of the Gospels is the real Jesus, and those who think the real Jesus—the…

Read More Who was the real Jesus? Here’s what archaeology tells us.

By  Rachel Koning Beals Dec. 19, 2020 The Rockefeller Foundation, a 107-year-old philanthropy built by oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, says it will completely break with the fossil-fuel industry that seeded its wealth. The $5 billion endowment is pledging to drop its fossil fuel holdingsUSO and, notably, is promising to avoid new investments in the sector, its…

Read More Rockefeller Foundation built on a fossil-fuel fortune becomes largest philanthropist to shun oil investments

Fenit Nirappil – The Washington Post – Thursday, December 24, 2020 Struggling to breathe and pausing between sentences, Susan Moore mustered enough energy to record herself from her hospital bed, where she was being treated for covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus. The message she shared: Not even her status as a doctor shielded…

Read More A Black doctor alleged racist treatment before dying of covid-19: ‘This is how Black people get killed’

By Brian Wheeler BBC News, Washington DC Published 9 December 2016 In the overheated post-election atmosphere, Santa Claus is seen by some as another cherished cultural institution under attack by the forces of political correctness. The traditional image of Santa, as a jolly, rotund, and white, character is deeply embedded in American culture. “Going to a…

Read More The secret history of black Santas

Dec. 22, 2020, 6:42 p.m. ET Dec. 22, 2020 By Noam Scheiber Under the so-called tip pools authorized by the new rule, the tips of waiters and waitresses can be shared with back-of-the-house workers like cooks and dishwashers. But such sharing will be allowed only if the waiters and waitresses receive the standard minimum wage in…

Read More New Labor Department rule would let employers distribute tips more widely.